Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Terry McDermott & Jealousy (?)

Okay so it's been long since the last time I updated my blog... Well, that's because my laptop is broken. Thankfully, I still can check Youtube or browsing with my tab, dan sebenernya bisa2 ajasih blogging, tapi gue sebenernya gak suka banget ngetik pake tab because it's super ribet. BUT karena gue tiba2 pingin banget nge post jadi ya udah, leggo!!!

Jadi as you know, kemaren itu tanggal 12-12-12 tapi sumpah nothing special banget, ya gimana mau special orang ini lagi exam week.....tapi minggu depan holiday bitches!!! The only thing that made me happy yesterday was TERRY MASUK TOP 3!!! Okay I haven't told you about Terry before. HE'S MY NEW OBSESSION, K?! So, he's a contestant of The Voice US Season 3. I've always liked his voice but he never stood out for me until about two or three weeks ago (when I started to get annoyed by Cassadee because she's wayyy too overrated, like seriously I think she's good but not THAT good?!?!). And last week he's making me melt with his "I Want To Know What Love Is" rendition. HIS VOICE IS JUST..... It's so pure but it reminds me with classic rock voices at the same time??? Idk he's just...perfect. And I always thought that I only loved him for his voice but I started to get jealous.... I got jealous when Cassadee poked his nose at the end of their duet. So I think my love for him is starting to get to the personal level. And do you know what's worse than Cassadee poking his nose?! Yes, the fact that he's married and has a 5 year old son. But I love his son. He's sooo cute and their relationship is adorable. And his wife is super pretty.... Soo, I'm happy for them (I guess?). And I don't think that Terry's super handsome either but idk....there's just something about him. Plus, HAVE YOU HEARD HIS ACCENT?!?! His accent is driving me crazy okayyyy (fyi, he's originally from Scotland).

Anyway, that new Adam Lambert's interview where he kissed the interviewer just made me super jealous, okay. INTERVIEWER NYA CEWEK LOH FYI. JEALOUSY AT ITS HIGHEST LEVEL TAU. Lagian dia random banget pas ditanya something like "if you could kiss any celebrity under the mistletoe, who would it be?" Terus dia langsung kayak "Carrie.." sambil narik kursi interviewer nya terus ya jelas si Carrie nya itu gak mau menyia nyiakan kesempatan -_- LOL Adam you are sooo unexpectable and I love it about you tapi next time please nge kiss nya fans aja ya (read: me).

I wish I could post the videos of the duet and the interview but it's hard because I'm using my tab. :s


Minggu, 18 November 2012


Oke pertama-tama gue harus bikin pengakuan, gue download album my baby Phillip Phillips illegally. INI EMANG SALAH BANGET DAN GUE MERASA BERSALAH KOK. Abis gimana I cannot wait any longer!!!! Terus CD nya belom tentu masuk Indonesia pula jadi ya gue gak tau kapan gue bakal dapet hard copy of it! Tapi PASTI gue beli kok nanti, jadi no worries ya :''') (?)

Ya singkat cerita gue udah denger semua lagu lagunya dan yang bisa gue katakan hanya

Gak ngerti lagi sama Phillip, why do you even do this to me sih babe omgggg. Ekspresi gue pas pertama dengerin lagu lagunya pasti abstrak banget karena I was like senyum senyum and mau nangis at the same freakin time. POKOKNYA gue bangga banget sama Phillip gak ngerti lagi I LOVE YOU BABE gak sia sia lo ninggalin rumah terus untuk bikin album.

Jadi guys judul album Phillip itu The World from the Side of the Moon. Album ini typical Phillip banget. Gak mainstream so I don't think it will be on the top chart of iTunes or Billboard. But to me it doesn't matter because I don't want him to go mainstream anyway HEHE. Dari semua lagu, yang paling stand out mungkin Gone, Gone, Gone. Lucu ya di album Taylor Swift ada Stay Stay Stay terus di album Phillip ada Gone, Gone, Gone HAHA what a cute coincidence (?)

OKE jadi balik ke Gone, Gone, Gone. Ini probably my favorite one at the moment (tapi paling nanti juga berubah HEHE). Soalnya ini lagunya catchy tapi bagus and the lyrics is just toooo sweet bikin gue mau nangis AAAH. Unyew banget loh masa kata katanya ada yang kayak gini...
"You’re my back bone, you’re my cornerstone
You’re my crutch when my legs stop moving
You’re my headstart, you’re my rugged heart
You’re the pokes that I’ve always needed
Like a drum baby don’t stop beating 3x

Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you"

Terus masa ya Phillip nyanyi lagu ini sama PS22 dan itu keren banget. PS22 tuh kayak choir anak anak gitu di US. And their voices are sooo good you guys should check them out!

Ini yang sama my baby Phillip :')

AWW BANGET KAN. Di mana gue bisa nemu cowok kayak Phillip asdfghjkl Hannah Blackwell you're one lucky bitch.

TERUS YA TERUS masa di the newest episode of NCIS ada a very sweet Tiva scene omg

That scene was cute, sad and beautiful at the same time. It's actually Tony's first time to open up his past like that and he did it to Ziva. He trusted Ziva. And the way he looked at Ziva... IT'S LOVE PEOPLE, LOVE.
Kapan ada cowok yang ngeliat gue kayak gitu

Like a drum baby don't stop beating! ;)

Jumat, 16 November 2012


I JUST MISS KRADAM SO MUCH IT HURTS. Their bromance is like the best thing that ever happened on Idol like seriously.
I found these gifs on Tumblr:

And I just wanted to cry so bad cause I miss them being together and they just NEED TO REUNITE. Their friendship is just too beautiful asdfghjkl I love how much they respect each other despite all their differences. I mean, Kris is a married-man, very religious and all but it doesn't make him stay away from Adam. IF ALL THE PEOPLE WERE LIKE KRIS THIS WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE.
Even though it must be pretty hard for Adam to be near Kris because it's pretty obvious that he had a crush on Kris... I mean, imagine you're being close to your crush, act totally cool about it but deep inside you know you'll never end up together with him. And he said once in an interview that he found it distracting to be paired as roomates with Kris.
"I was like, 'Oh, sh--, they put me with the cute guy, distracting! He's the one guy I found attractive in the whole group on the show: nice, nonchalant, pretty and totally my type - except that he has a wife. I mean, he's open-minded and liberal, but he's definitely 100 percent straight."
AHHH Adam it must be so difficult to be in your position :( Omg omg omg WHY DOES THE WORLD IS BEING SO CRUEL TOWARDS HIM.
And when the media questioned Adam's crush on Kris, Kris always answered it wisely. He always just laughed or he even once said (jokingly) that he has a crush on Adam too. I mean we all know it's impossible but LOOK HOW ADORABLE THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS.
Kris is just super nice, I don't get why do people are hating on him just because he won Season 8. I mean, sometimes I'm also still pretty pissed to the fact that Adam didn't win, but HATING A PERSON AS NICE AS KRIS IS JUST SO WRONG. And I don't think Adam wants his fans to hate on Kris either...so stop.

And remember Kradam's last Ford Music Video?

That video always makes me want to cryyyyy and the lyrics is just super sad :'(
"i try to keep it simple
cause i hate goodbyes
and i try to keep it simple
by telling myself that

I, I Will remember you
and all of the things
that we've gone through
There is so much I can say but words get in the way
So we're not together
I will remember you"

Well, to me it's pretty much like Kradam soundtrack :')
*sobs again*

Maybe I'm kinda different with most of Glamberts because I'll never ever ship Adommy or Saulbert as much as I ship Kradam. :')

Senin, 12 November 2012

Just Another Random Post

So yeah, I've warned ya. This post is gonna be totally random.

Hi guys! It's been like 2 weeks since my last post? Or even more? Well, it's because lately I've been busier than ever. Like seriously tests and assignments are killing me. Ah, I don't wanna talk about those things right now-_-

I'm gonna talk about some interesting things (for me) instead!

The first thing, Phillip Phillips's album is gonna be released in like a week!!!! I'm so excited and proud and now I just wanna cry and explode. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE DAY IS COMING. I've been following this guy since his first audition! So now seeing him releasing album and all is just... too much for me to handle. I've been listening to some previews of the album and damn it's awesome. Like truly awesome. I'm glad he doesn't go mainstream and stays true to himself. There is this one song in the album called Where We Came From and I think it's super cool, you guys should check it out!!! The lyrics are perfectly written. Maybe you don't get it at first but later on you'll make your own interpretation to it. THAT'S HOW LYRICAL GENIUS PP IS.

Yeah so this is the song :)

The second thing, about one week or 2 weeks ago, there's this song from Adam Lambert that didn't make the cut to Trespassing album leaking all over the internet. The name of the song is Hold On and I honestly don't get why this song didn't make the cut! Cause it's truly trulyyyyy an awesome song. I kinda felt guilty listening to this at first because this song is never legally released, but Adam found out that this song is leaked and he tweeted telling that we should just enjoy it instead. So I don't feel guilty anymore!

This is the song :)

My favorite part is:
"Come out of the darkness
I know that you can find your way somehow
Trust you're gonna find it
Baby it's alright you're born to fly
Just hold on"

Motivating lyrics like that are very much needed in times like this. Yes Adam, I will hold on. I wish I was really born to fly though, so I would be able to fly to Bali and see you without paying any airplane tickets.

Anyway, I think that DNA song from Little Mix is awesome. I don't think that perfect kind of guy exists in real life though. So for me, this song is more about being obsessed to a celebrity crush? Well at least for me it is. But apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so. Because I found this amazing fan-video of Adam on Youtube and the background song is DNA.

Check it out!

I cannot stop pressing the replay button when I first discovered this video. I think the Glamberts who worked behind it did an amazing job so yeay Glamberts!!! And the lyrics just fit Adam perfectly!
I mean
"It's the color of his eyes
No he don't need  to try
Made from the best
He passes all the test
Got my heart beating fast
It's cardiac arrest"
Ok I don't even know what the heck cardiac arrest is but yeah.

The last thing, can you people please send me these foods?

7D Dried Mangoes and Royce Chocolate!!! These foods taste like heaven to me. I know I like almost all kind of foods but these foods are certainly from different level. Too bad the 7D Dried Mangoes is not even sold in Indonesia, so I have to wait for my aunt to bring it from Singapore. For the Royce Chocolate...it is sold in Indonesia, but it's freaking expensive. So yeah, once again this world is being cruel to me.

See? It's totally random.

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

I'm So Excited and I Just Can't Hide It

First of all, yes the title of the post comes from an 80's song by the Pointer Sisters. AND YES, I chose that as the title because right now I'm super happy!!!

So, I just had a really wonderful Saturday night... NOT with my boyfriend (cause my boyfriend is so far away in US *cough* Phillip Phillips) or friends but with my family. I know it sounds lame but it's not. It's weird right, I'm freaking 16 but I still enjoy hanging out with fam. Is it even normal? Maybe it's not, but who wants to be normal anyway?


We went to Cilandak Town Square and I bought (actually, my dad bought me) these really cool stuffs. Guess what are they?

1. Glam Nation Live CD/DVD

I know right. I know right. I KNOW RIGHT. I BOUGHT ADAM FREAKING LAMBERT'S GLAM NATION LIVE CD/DVD. So now I'm able to watch his sexiness ANYTIME I WANT. This thing is super rare in Indonesia so I was reallyyyy surprised when I found it at the music store. And it's the only one left!!! The name of the music store is Beatz! and I think that store is really awesome. It sold rare things so if you are looking for any CD or concert DVD or whatever, I recommend you to go there!
It takes a lot of considerations for me to ask my dad to buy me this thing though. Cause you know, it's Adam Lambert, the controversial guy. But I know if I didn't buy it, I would regret it for life. So I was just like "I want to buy this, dad" and I gave it to the cashier and I don't think he was really aware of what I chose so he was just like "ok". Then my mom asked me "what did you buy?" and I was like "Adam Lambert's DVD, since I won't be able to watch him in Bali" and she's like "oh.". Besides, now I'm on my way of turning my mom  into a Glambert though. And now she's shouting "whataya want from me!!!" every once in a while so I guess it's a good sign? Idk JUST WISH ME LUCK.

2. Secrets of Macarons

This book is all about my current favorite thing...macarons! I just love macarons so much, too bad it's kinda expensive for a little cookie like that. So I'm planning to learn how to make one myself! For those of you who haven't tried macarons, well you should! But I only recommend it for you guys who have sweet tooth cause trust me, it's really sweet.
I really like the store where this book is sold. Idk, there's just something about the atmosphere. It's really peaceful and they played this cool indie music. If I'm not mistaken the name is Aksara. Oh! And one of the cashiers at the store is SUPER cute. So I'm really looking forward to go back to this store HAHA.

I wish everyday was like today :')

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Without Love

SOOOO GUYS! A few days ago, I watched this musical movie called Hairspray. Yes this is the movie that starred Zac Efron as one of the casts. This is a 2007 movie......so I know I'm super late watching this in 2012. And now I think I'm obsessed with the soundtrack. Especially this one cute song titled Without Love.

This is the scene where the casts sang the song:

It's sooo cute right. I really love how in the end the famous guy falls for the fat girl. Also, the love story between the black guy & white girl (Seaweed & Penny) is super sweet too. Zac Efron is so funny in this. It makes me kinda love him more. I know he looks super geeky with that hairstyle...but he's still cute. Oh! And I think Amanda Bynes' voice is really sweet. I didn't know she can sing, but yes she can.

Watching this movie makes me want to see the Broadway production of Hairspray Musical. I'm sure it will be even more fun to hear the song performed live and all! I know the casts are different, but it doesn't matter. Well, I think I should add that to the list of things I should do in life! :D

Ps: this is my 50th post so YEAY!!!

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


I found this interesting challenge on Tumblr that I really want to answer. But I don't think it will fit my Tumblr, since it's a fandom blog. So, I decided to do it here :) HERE WE GO!
1.    List 10 random musical artists you like in no specific order. Warning: Do not read the questions below before listing your favorite artists.
1. Kelly Clarkson
2. Daughtry
3. Adam Lambert
4. Phillip Phillips
5. David Cook
6. Jessie J
7. Ed Sheeran
8. Nina Nesbitt 
9. David Archuleta
10. Pixie Lott

1. What’s the first song you ever heard by #6?
Price Tag!
2. What’s your favorite by #8?
Hold You
3. What are your favorite lyrics by #5?
"Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Even in the daylight, shine on
And when it's late at night you can look inside
You won't feel so alone"
4. What song by #3 makes you the happiest?
CUCKOO!!!! MUSIC AGAIN!!! AFTERMATH!!! Omg there are too many I can't choose.
5. When did you first get into #2?
Just read my recent post, ok? :)
6. How did you get into #3?
7. What is your favorite song by #4?
HOME!!! Well at the moment it's his only officially released song. But I do love this song so much :')
8. Have you seen #9 live? How many times?
Nope... Too bad I didn't see him when he came to my country. One of my biggest regrets. :'( 
9. Favorite album by #7?
+! Duh :)
10. What’s your favorite song by #1?
THERE ARE TOO MANY. Breakaway is the soundtrack of my life, though.
11. How did you become a fan of #10?
Read an article about her on a magazine. Then I watched her music videos on Youtube and instantly became a fan. I'm not really into her new music, though.
12. How long have you known #9?
About 4 or 5 years :o
13. Top 5 by #5?
Light On
Fade Into Me
The Last Song I'll Write For You
The Last Goodbye
14. Have you ever seen #10 live?
Nope :(
15. Have you ever met #4?
16. What’s your favorite album by #1?
Probably Breakaway or All I Ever Wanted
17. Favorite lyric by #7?
"And it's been a while but I still feel the same
Maybe I should let you go" :')
18. What’s #2’s best song?
Probably Over You or September...
19. How many times have you seen #8 live?
Never :(
20. Favorite song by #9?
A Little Too Not Over You

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Life of a Glambert

Before I start, for those of you who don't know, a Glambert is what an Adam Lambert's fan is called. I guess the name comes from glam and Lambert. Why glam? Well, because Adam is our Glam God. Glamberts and Adam have one big family that we called as Glamily. The genre of Adam Lambert's songs are Glam rock. And when Adam dressed up as a vampire we called him a Glampire. So yeah it's all about glam.

Well if my definitions are not understandable, this is one from Urban Dictionary:
The official term for a devoted fan of the glamourous sexiness that is Adam Lambert, Season 8 Runner Up for American Idol.

I have become a Glambert for a very long time. But I started to have this deep connection with Adam a few months ago, precisely the first time I heard some songs from his 2nd album, Trespassing. I don't know why, but these songs are like magic to me. They always make me feel happier when I'm down. I know this sounds ridiculous but that's the truth lol. I started looking for his interviews on Youtube and I realized that he's not only talented and good looking but he's also a very beautiful human being. No matter how tired he is or how annoying the interviewer is, he always answers the questions nicely and honestly. With him, there is NO awkward or bad interviews. By these interviews, I learned more things about him. I also watched his life documentaries, live performances (my favorites were the ones when he sang with Queen, which is pretty legendary), and I can't help to fall deeper and deeper with him. At first I keep my adoration towards him by myself but what's the point of being a Glambert if you're afraid to express yourself? So I started to tell my close friends about it.

But as glamorous as it is, I realized that being a Glambert is not always easy. It's hard at times. I  have to deal with ignorant people talking REAL BAD about him only because of his sexual orientation. What hurts me the most is not the mockery, but knowing that Adam is a very nice person and he doesn't deserve that at all. I mean, I cannot force anyone to support equality, but there's SO MUCH MORE to Adam Lambert than just who he chooses to sleep with. It's okay if you want to judge Adam. Judge his music, judge his style. Judge him as a singer NOT as the "gay guy" . His personal life is none of your business, none of OUR business. I swear that those people who talked trashy things about him don't even know him well. Have they ever seen his "It Gets Better" video or read the lyrics of his song, Aftermath? NO.
Whatever. Just like Adam said, I should only pay attention to the positives. :')

But seriously, my sorrow doesn't only stop here. Now I have to deal with another problem of being a Glambert. This time is because of my financial condition. So, last Saturday I got a news telling that Adam will visit Indonesia this December and he will perform exactly on New Year's Eve. I WAS SO HAPPY until I found out that he won't come to Jakarta, but to Bali. At that point I was still optimistic. "I can afford to go to Bali with my savings", I tell myself. BUT THEN I found out that the ticket prices are so crazy. The cheapest one is $538. This is so crazy. I'm just a regular student and I surely cannot afford that. I wanted to cry so bad. I just don't like it when I want something so bad but I can't afford to get it. I know I can't always get what I want but I know I deserve to watch Adam.

Now all I can do is just to pray for some miracles and stare at the picture above every once in a while :(

Wow this post is longer than I intended it to be. And I poured a LOT of emotions, I'm telling you. Anyway, no matter how hard being a Glambert is, I will always stand by Adam and support him till the very end. Haters will hate, if they cannot see the good in Adam, it's their loss! :D



Minggu, 23 September 2012


All my troubles seemed so far away
Now gue harus belajar sociology
Oh I believeee in yesterdayyyy

Jadi kemaren itu SERU BANGET. Dari pagi sampe malem bener bener seru.
Jadi kan paginya gue ke rumah Rahma ngerjain tugas BI yaitu shooting berita. Ini tugas kelompok, di kelompok gue ada Rahma, Erik & Arso. Abis ngerjain tugas sambil nunggu Arso di jemput kita malah nge gossip2 gitu dan itu seru BANGET. Baru tau ternyata cowok juga punya dendam dendam batin tersendiri HAHA. Terus pulang dari rumah Rahma gak lama gue siap siap buat acara di sekolah gue :D

Acaranya kereeeen, pokoknya selamat ya kakak-kakak kelas 12 kalian sukses! Pokoknya the best part of the night itu pas Petra perform. Gilaa baru tau Petra itu ganteng. Ya emang ganteng sih tapi kalo di TV gantengnya gak lebay kayak kalo ngeliat live! Sebenernya gue gak terlalu tau lagu lagu original Petra tapi dia juga nyanyiin Payphone, The One That Got Away sama Fix You. Pas Fix You itu very very something. Pokoknyaaaa last night itu indah banget! Kalo bisa ngulang sih gue mau!!! Tadinya gue mau nunggu Maliq & D'Essentials perform tapi mereka lama bangetttt keluarnya, gue keburu dijemput. Abis di jemput gue dinner dulu sama keluarga gue :')

Aduh sementara hari ini gue harus belajar Sociology & nyari video buat tugas english T_T Doakan gue ya kawan kawan supaya besok sukses ngerjain unit test socio nya. UT socio itu serem karena we never know gurunya nge expect jawaban apa dari kita-_- KENAPA BESOK UDAH SENIN?!

Sudahlah, pokoknya PETRA I HEART YOUUU :) #gaknyambung #biarin

Kamis, 20 September 2012





Okay I should stop writing in caps lock.

 Jadi seperti yang gue bilang, udah banyak perubahan banget. Sekarang gue udah bukan anak SMP lagi, gue udah SMA. Bahkan kelas 11! Ya, jadi gue masuk SMA Binus Serpong. Walaupun sekolah ini SERINGGGGG banget bikin gue stress sampe rasanya pingin head bang, tapi ya harus gue akuin kalo di sekolah ini banyak kejadian yang super memorable, super touching, super bikin ngakak, super bikin gitulah. 

Jadi dulu pas kelas 10 gue masuk kelas 10F. Gue kangen banget sama ini kelas :''') Awalnya sih iya emang gue gak betah karena anak anaknya too dramatic gitudeh menurut gue (oops :P). Tapi as the time goes by ternyata enggak kok. Wali kelas kita namanya Mr. Shreedhar, dia orang India. Awalnya gue rada gimanaa gitu punya wali kelas orang India. Tapi dia ternyata orangnya care banget kok. Bahkan beberapa temen gue aja suka curhat sama dia tentang love life sampe nangis nangis HAHA. Tapi kita gak selalu galau gitulah, malah menurut guru guru kelas kita paling sering ketawa. Sampe sampe sama Ms. Wel dibilang Smurfy Class. Kejadian di kelas 10... Banyak banget. Kalo gue ketik semua jari gue bisa bisa keriting-_- Pokoknya intinya 10F is irreplaceable!

 Dan gue naik ke kelas 11. Gue masuk kelas 11B sama 2 temen deket gue Nova & Ghina :') Di kelas 11B, isinya ada 2 jurusan; ICT Sociology dan ICT Art & Design. Gue sih pastinya jurusan ICT Sociology ya. Orang art skill gue tuh....0 besar. Ha ha ha. Jadi gue udah gak ketemu musuh musuh terbesar gue kayak chemistry & physics lagi. Anak anak di kelas 11B ada yang kalo ngomong aja udah bikin ngakak, ada yang diem diem misterius, ada yang suka ketawa2 sendiri, ada yang suka pamer ilmu, banyak deh. Kelas ini jelas gak seheboh dan se-smurfy 10F.....dan gue akuin gue emang belom bisa 100% nyaman di kelas ini. Mungkin karena baru kayak 3 bulan. Tapi pastinya udah ada beberapa kejadian yang bikin gue ngakak, stress dan ngasih tampang "wtf". Hahaha, dan di kelas 11 gue dapet pelajaran baru namanya Business Studies! Dan harus tau, gurunya tuh bikin kita ngantuk like nobody else. Kayak dia baru mulai ngomong aja rasanya gue langsung pingin merem (gak selebay itu juga sih-_-).

But no worries, I'm still the same me!!! Rambut gue masih panjang rata gitu, gue masih suka Harry Potter, masih suka Glee, masih suka Kelly Clarkson. Tapi ya jelas ada new things/new people yang gue currently obsessed with dong. Gue bikin list nya aja ya.

10 Things That I'm Currently Obsessed With:
1. Phillip Phillips
2. Adam Lambert
3. NCIS (A HUGE Tiva shipper :D)
4. Ed Sheeran
5. Zayn Malik
6. Warehouse 13 (A HUGE Pyka shipper :'D)
7. David Cook (I met him live and he's super nice!)
8. Daughtry
9. Callum Hann
10. Nina Nesbitt

Pokoknya the amount of love yang gue punya untuk those people/things itu gak bisa dilukiskan dengan kata kata :''') Nanti gue jelasin satu2 deh kenapa nya :P Oke gue udah capek ngetik. Bye guyssssss!!!