Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

I'm So Excited and I Just Can't Hide It

First of all, yes the title of the post comes from an 80's song by the Pointer Sisters. AND YES, I chose that as the title because right now I'm super happy!!!

So, I just had a really wonderful Saturday night... NOT with my boyfriend (cause my boyfriend is so far away in US *cough* Phillip Phillips) or friends but with my family. I know it sounds lame but it's not. It's weird right, I'm freaking 16 but I still enjoy hanging out with fam. Is it even normal? Maybe it's not, but who wants to be normal anyway?


We went to Cilandak Town Square and I bought (actually, my dad bought me) these really cool stuffs. Guess what are they?

1. Glam Nation Live CD/DVD

I know right. I know right. I KNOW RIGHT. I BOUGHT ADAM FREAKING LAMBERT'S GLAM NATION LIVE CD/DVD. So now I'm able to watch his sexiness ANYTIME I WANT. This thing is super rare in Indonesia so I was reallyyyy surprised when I found it at the music store. And it's the only one left!!! The name of the music store is Beatz! and I think that store is really awesome. It sold rare things so if you are looking for any CD or concert DVD or whatever, I recommend you to go there!
It takes a lot of considerations for me to ask my dad to buy me this thing though. Cause you know, it's Adam Lambert, the controversial guy. But I know if I didn't buy it, I would regret it for life. So I was just like "I want to buy this, dad" and I gave it to the cashier and I don't think he was really aware of what I chose so he was just like "ok". Then my mom asked me "what did you buy?" and I was like "Adam Lambert's DVD, since I won't be able to watch him in Bali" and she's like "oh.". Besides, now I'm on my way of turning my mom  into a Glambert though. And now she's shouting "whataya want from me!!!" every once in a while so I guess it's a good sign? Idk JUST WISH ME LUCK.

2. Secrets of Macarons

This book is all about my current favorite thing...macarons! I just love macarons so much, too bad it's kinda expensive for a little cookie like that. So I'm planning to learn how to make one myself! For those of you who haven't tried macarons, well you should! But I only recommend it for you guys who have sweet tooth cause trust me, it's really sweet.
I really like the store where this book is sold. Idk, there's just something about the atmosphere. It's really peaceful and they played this cool indie music. If I'm not mistaken the name is Aksara. Oh! And one of the cashiers at the store is SUPER cute. So I'm really looking forward to go back to this store HAHA.

I wish everyday was like today :')

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