Minggu, 18 November 2012


Oke pertama-tama gue harus bikin pengakuan, gue download album my baby Phillip Phillips illegally. INI EMANG SALAH BANGET DAN GUE MERASA BERSALAH KOK. Abis gimana I cannot wait any longer!!!! Terus CD nya belom tentu masuk Indonesia pula jadi ya gue gak tau kapan gue bakal dapet hard copy of it! Tapi PASTI gue beli kok nanti, jadi no worries ya :''') (?)

Ya singkat cerita gue udah denger semua lagu lagunya dan yang bisa gue katakan hanya

Gak ngerti lagi sama Phillip, why do you even do this to me sih babe omgggg. Ekspresi gue pas pertama dengerin lagu lagunya pasti abstrak banget karena I was like senyum senyum and mau nangis at the same freakin time. POKOKNYA gue bangga banget sama Phillip gak ngerti lagi I LOVE YOU BABE gak sia sia lo ninggalin rumah terus untuk bikin album.

Jadi guys judul album Phillip itu The World from the Side of the Moon. Album ini typical Phillip banget. Gak mainstream so I don't think it will be on the top chart of iTunes or Billboard. But to me it doesn't matter because I don't want him to go mainstream anyway HEHE. Dari semua lagu, yang paling stand out mungkin Gone, Gone, Gone. Lucu ya di album Taylor Swift ada Stay Stay Stay terus di album Phillip ada Gone, Gone, Gone HAHA what a cute coincidence (?)

OKE jadi balik ke Gone, Gone, Gone. Ini probably my favorite one at the moment (tapi paling nanti juga berubah HEHE). Soalnya ini lagunya catchy tapi bagus and the lyrics is just toooo sweet bikin gue mau nangis AAAH. Unyew banget loh masa kata katanya ada yang kayak gini...
"You’re my back bone, you’re my cornerstone
You’re my crutch when my legs stop moving
You’re my headstart, you’re my rugged heart
You’re the pokes that I’ve always needed
Like a drum baby don’t stop beating 3x

Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you"

Terus masa ya Phillip nyanyi lagu ini sama PS22 dan itu keren banget. PS22 tuh kayak choir anak anak gitu di US. And their voices are sooo good you guys should check them out!

Ini yang sama my baby Phillip :')

AWW BANGET KAN. Di mana gue bisa nemu cowok kayak Phillip asdfghjkl Hannah Blackwell you're one lucky bitch.

TERUS YA TERUS masa di the newest episode of NCIS ada a very sweet Tiva scene omg

That scene was cute, sad and beautiful at the same time. It's actually Tony's first time to open up his past like that and he did it to Ziva. He trusted Ziva. And the way he looked at Ziva... IT'S LOVE PEOPLE, LOVE.
Kapan ada cowok yang ngeliat gue kayak gitu

Like a drum baby don't stop beating! ;)

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