Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

Not That Far Away

So like I've said in my last post, I'm going to uni soon. Well the thing is, I'm not only going to uni but


I really don't know what to feel right now. A part of me is excited because moving to a new town means it's a new dawn, it's new day, it's a new lifeeeeeee
And I'm feelingggggg goooooooooooood.

Lol no seriously. I'm excited because this is what I've always wanted! I want to explore. I want to travel. I don't want to get stuck in one place when God has created this beautiful gigantic earth. But on the other side, I'm also scared aaand nervous. Not gonna lie, I am the kind of person who can easily get homesick. And this is gonna be the first time I'm living on my own sooooo yeah, just wish me luck. I know I can do this.

Anyway, if you know me, you'll know that I've always wanted to take Psychology Major since forever. Sooo do I stick with that plan? The answer is nope. I had a sudden change of heart and I just decided to follow it. I hope I will not regret it. Besides, Gibbs always said that we should follow our gut, right?

So yeah, now I'm saying goodbye to Psychology, and saying hello to International Relations!

Why IR?
Well it's not like I was not interested in IR before. IR has always been my second choice after Psychology, but I just thought that I was not good enough. IR requires a LOT of memorizing and I just felt like I would not be able to handle that. I'm not saying that Psychology is easy, because it's not, but Psychology has been more of a comfort zone for me since I was raised by a psychologist that I call mom. But now I realized, why should I be afraid of my own thoughts? Difficulty should challenge me, not defeat me, right?

Another reason is that I want to give a direct contribution in making this world peaceful. You know, I've been watching a lot of news lately and it just saddens me that there are a lot of wars going on right now. To me, it's not only a matter of religion or annexation issue. People could care less about that. But people should realize that it's a matter of humanity. Innocent children are dying and this just bothers me a lot. People have been saying "where the hell is United Nations?", but saying that will not fix the problem, will it? So yeah, I hope by majoring in IR, someday I can work in UN and do real actions instead of just complaining.

Future office, perhaps?

Okay last but not least I'm gonna write some song lyrics about moving to a new place, which is totally relatable to me right now.

"Oh but workin' too hard can give you a heart attack
You oughta know by now
Who needs a house out in Hackensack?
Is that all you get for your money?
And it seems such a waste of time
If that's what it's all about
Mama, if that's movin' up then I'm movin' out."

Billy Joel - Movin' Out

"I'll spread my wings
And I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway"

Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway

"Momma I promise I'll be alright
I'll call to say I love you every night
I'm just tryin' to write the story my life
You know all about this dream I gotta chase
I get a little closer everyday
California Yogyakarta is not that far away
I'm not that far away"

Jennette McCurdy - Not That Far Away

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Michael Weatherly

Can Michael Weatherly just please quit NCIS?!

I love Michael so much and his character, Tony, is now the only reason that I'm watching NCIS. But watching him without Ziva just tortures me to the core. And if Tony is still there, there is always a possibility that he will be paired up with another woman. And I'm just not okay with this fact. I just can't. So yeah, if he quits NCIS, I can also quit watching. They can make him leave to Israel to marry Ziva or whatever. I don't care.

I will always have the old episodes though.

But anyway, I'm going to uni soon so I probably won't have any time watching anything.

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

My Views on Love

Hi guys! So I just got back from watching The Fault in Our Stars and while I found it enjoyable, it did not exactly move me and I shed no tear. This actually left me wonder why because usually I'm the kind of person who can easily cry over anything. Hell I even cried when the Singapore airport officials  took my peanut butter because they considered it as liquid. I cried when I accidentally erased some pictures on my camera. But why not on this? Why not on a movie where half of the people on the theatres were crying? Am I loosing my sense of compassion?

Well I guess the answer is because I do not really believe in love at first sight, and this movie pretty much portrays that as its major theme. While there are other major plots like battling with cancer and what not, the romance still dominates the movie. Don't get me wrong, I am totally cool with romance but I would not necessarily ship two underage teenagers who are extremely attracted to each other from the first day who later hanging out in the foreign streets of Amsterdam without any supervision while also being extremely sick......

Okay. Enough with my comments about the movie before someone starts throwing things at me. =)

This movie just got me thinking about my views on love and I'd like to share some of them. And what I mean by love is husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend kind of love. Not like the parents and kids kind of love, because I could make a whole new essay about that.
Remember tho, I'm not a love expertise. Not at all. I barely even have any experience on this field sooooo if my opinion is different with yours, then take a chill pill!

Back to the love at first sight thing. I'm not being negativistic (or maybe I am) but to me, love is something that is much deeper than that. It is possible for you to feel some sort of connections with certain people when you meet them, but can we label it as love? Now people have been telling me that love is beyond physical attraction. But what makes you attracted to someone at the first place? I'm sure 99% of the time it's physical appearance right? I have not yet found a person who is attracted to someone new because "he/she seems so nice", because it is impossible except maybe you're a psychic. And while physical attraction is completely normal (God knows how many times I have experienced this), I refuse to believe that love has taken over in this stage. It's this little thing called lust. And lust does lead to love sometimes, but the odds are very little because A. Most of the time it is one sided and B. Once you get to know the person better, he/she may not be the kind of person that you expected.

So what do I believe? I believe that true love started with friendship. I believe that by being friends, two people will get to know each other without being pretentious. Maybe friendship will not be as binding  as boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, and it's gonna suck when the person that you care about has another love interest but hey, if it's true love then it will not go anywhere. Love cannot be rushed. And I was not saying that you cannot have a relationship, but when you do, make sure that you know what kind of person that you date. I'm just kind of sick and tired of people that are having relationships just to follow the trend. Call me old fashioned but I can never accept love as a trend.

I also found the term friendzone ridiculous because you will never know what will happen in your future. Maybe "friendzoning" someone will only prevent you in finding the love of your life. I don't know about you but I think friendship-based relationships would last longer. Who does not want to grow old with someone that cares about you the most? After all, the only possible way to stay faithful to your partner once the lust is gone is because you care about him/her, right?

That's why I adore Tony and Ziva, or Ron and Hermione, or Pete and Myka kind of romance. Tony and Ziva have known each other for 7 freakin' years before they took their relationship to another level. They've gone through pretty much everything together as co-workers and best friends; happiness, pain and show each other's good and bad side. Since Tony met Ziva, he had two serious girlfriends; Jeanne (even though it's an undercover op, but Tony did like Jeanne) and EJ. While Ziva dated Rivkin, Ray and had a brief romance with Adam. But in the end, they knew that they had each other's back. Even though Ziva ended up leaving, her departure affected Tony in a way that no other did. Why? Because Ziva is not only Tony's love interest. She's not only another chick that Tony wanted to sleep with. She's his best friend. THAT to me, is a true love.

I know they are fictional characters but so are Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters, right?

"One day you'll realize you lost a diamond while too busy collecting stones."

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Pretty Much Everything That Pops To My Mind

Hi guys!!! It's been kinda long, is it? Well forgive me because at the moment, my life is just sooo hectic. Many things are happening at the same time and I kinda force myself to be more independent than ever but it's alright I guess. I mean I'm 18 and I'm going to college soon so I know I should start to take up my own responsibilities and stop blaming other people for things that happened to me. But I do wish that after all of these, I will be rewarded by something great. Like accepted at my targeted uni, perhaps?

Anyway, I'm happy that American Idol is on again!!! At least American Idol gives me something to look forward to every week. Judge me, but AI is still my favorite reality singing competition show.  I don't get how many people are preferring The Voice over AI. I tried to like The Voice, and for a second I did because the third season was pretty good, but the other seasons are just meh. I did have my favorites, like in season 5 I loved Jacquie Lee and she ended up as the runner up, but the show as a whole just did not grab my attention. I feel like the show is more about the judges than the contestants. The judges also ALWAYS praise the contestants and never give them constructive criticisms. I mean what's the point?! Sure Adam Levine is always hot and Blake Shelton is pretty funny, but if someone paid me to be a judge/coach I would be super critical instead of just giving comments like "you're always good", "you're gonna be big", "you never disappoint", and all those bullcrap every week. Look at the way Harry Connick Jr. gives specific criticisms to AI contestants. Even the sweet JLo has improved a lot in judging. It's pretty ironic, because no one from The Voice gets really famous, except maybe Cassadee Pope? No wonder though, sure Cassadee is pretty and talented, but she also already had a big fanbase since the beginning. The fact that The Voice runs twice a year is also a bit too much for me. They really should start taking care of the contestants and their post-show career instead of being too busy with the show and too caught up in ratings.

Okay, I should really stop ranting about The Voice. On a much more positive note, I love love loveeee 3 contestants from this season of AI. It's a sure thing that Season 13 is not the "best season ever" but at least I can see some of the contestants being famous. Those 3 contestants are Caleb Johnson, Caleb Johnson and Caleb Johnson Jena Irene and Alex Preston. I used to love Sam Woolf with all my heart but I agree that he lacks stage presence and very predictable. I still think that Sam can get famous someday, but he needs some time to mature. On the other side, Caleb, Jena and Alex are ready.

I love Caleb so much because he has tons of personality and never boring. He knows who he is as an artist, and even though he is a rocker, he is brave to take risks in singing non-rock songs and change them up. My favorite performance of him to date is no doubt, Skyfall. I honestly don't really like this song but when he sings it I was like "ooooh so that is how that song is supposed to sound like!". I searched him up on YouTube and I found his original song called Down To The River and the song has become my friend in my late night studying sessions since then.

Even though a rocker rarely wins, but I really do hope that he does so he can bring back rock and roll again to this era.

I also love Jena Irene because her voice is soo strong yet it is easily identified. Just like many people said, it's like the mixture of Katy Perry and Hayley Williams. My favorite performance of her is hands down, Decode. Decode is is one of the hardest songs to sing and she killed it. Even though she is into EDM, I feel like her voice suits rock songs very well. I hope she and Caleb sing together soon (and hopefully they will end up as the top 2???). It's crazy to think that Jena was a wildcard at the first place. I definitely think she is the black horse of this season. Her original song is pretty awesum too.

Lastly, Alex Preston. I love Alex because he is the definition of true artist. He is soo comfortable on stage and he never tries to be something he's not. His voice soothes me and I can listen to it anytime. His sound is so radio friendly. Fairy Tales, his original song, is arguably one of the most perfectly written songs by an Idol contestant. It gives me chills and it makes me happy.

I always come back to YouTube and listen to this song everytime I'm in difficult situations because it gives me hopes in a very strange way. I also love the fact that he once opened for Nina Nesbitt because Nina is also one of my favorite artists at the moment. I have no worries for Alex though, because I believe that he will keep producing musics whether he wins AI or not.

Other than Caleb, Jena, and Alex, I also love Jess Meuse. I think she still struggles with inconsistencies, but I still think she is interesting. She also replied me on twitter which is pretty cool. :)

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that I found a new passion which is video editing! I found this new passion from my last holiday. Seriously though, holidays always make me productive! I mostly edit fanvids of my ship from NCIS LA, which is Densi, because it's harder for me to make a Tiva fanvid since they lasted for 8 seasons and I had to download all of their scenes from YouTube. Densi has only existed for 4 seasons so the process is much faster for me. I've uploaded 2 fanvids to YouTube already and the feedback has been great. I'm so happy that one of my videos has reached almost 7,000 views! But I honestly think that my editing is still suck-ish and I need to learn a lot (I'm really planning to master Sony Vegas instead of using iMovie) but I guess I have to concentrate on school first right now.

Last thing, I'M SO EXCITED FOR PHILLIP'S SOPHOMORE ALBUM. It will be released on May 19th and the title is "Behind The Light". Raging Fire, the lead single, is awesome and I'm sooo looking forward to hear the other songs. I'M SO EXCITED! I'm also so excited to watch Taylor Swift's concert in June! It was so hard to get the tickets but I hope it's gonna be worth it. WOOHOO! FINALLY, THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO!

Okay, I definitely should stop right now because this post is becoming a lot longer than I intended it to be. Bye people!

"Cross the river to the other side
I promise you that it's nicer here
Take your hands from your face, don't hide
There is no reason for your fear
No reason for your fear"
Fairy Tale - Alex Preston