Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Anthony DiNozzo is the Love of My Life

Do you know how it feels like to find a soulmate? It's supposed to be awesome, right? Well, except if your soulmate is a fictional character.

Hi guys!!! Sooo holiday is coming and I think it's time for some NCIS marathon!!! Seriously, this show is everything. The characters are so damn relatable and I love them with all my heart. They are like my babies. But if I had to choose one, it had to be The Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. Gosh, my love for him is just unmeasurable. The last time I was this crazy for a fictional character was for Ron Weasley. Now I think Tony has been included to my list of "Favorites Fictional Characters of All Time" alongside Ron and Lupin.

Why do I love Tony that much?
Okay, I know some people find Tony childish, annoying and maybe sometimes stupid (which is totally ridiculous, how can an NCIS senior agent be stupid?). I admit it, sometimes Tony does not take things seriously. But time after time, he has proven that he is a very capable agent. He has his own ways though and just like Gibbs said, "you may not admire his methods, but you gotta love the results". Now imagine, what would NCIS be without Anthony DiNozzo? He is basically the glue of the team. He is the one that keeping things together. He is the class clown, without him everything will be so damn boring. Especially with Ziva and Gibbs who have the tendency to be high tempered and McGee who is basically a plain computer geek. I'm sorry, like I said before I love all of them so much but Tony is the one that makes the show interesting. And even though he is all goofy and bubbly on the outside does not mean he is always like that inside. Tony has been through a lot. He lost his mom when he was little, his love life sucks and his relationship with his father is not really good. And yet he still managed to make people smile. I can relate to this so much. I mean, people always see me as this optimistic girl but well, only God knows what I think and feel inside lol. Now everytime I get sad, I think to myself "what would Anthony DiNozzo do?" and trust me, it helps a lot. See? If Tony was a real person he would totally be my soulmate.

ANYWAY, it just saddens me that until now he has not found the one. I know deep inside he loves and cares about Ziva. And I said this not only because I'm a huge Tiva shipper. It is just shown through his actions and..... eyes. When Tony is with Ziva, he is willing to show his sensitive sides. He is willing to break down his walls. I know Ziva also feels the same way about Tony but idk for some weird reasons she keeps sleeping with some other guys, and it sucks. I mean, Ziva is very smart but she is not smart when it comes to love.  Look at her exes; Rivkin, Ray, and this Adam guy is not too convincing either. But please Gary Glasberg aka the producer of NCIS, please let Tony find the one ASAP. Ziva or not, it doesn't really mater. Of course it MATTERS  to me, but whatever. Tony deserves to be happy. And if you want to make me happy too , please let Tiva happen. GOSH I'M SO EXCITED FOR SEASON 11!!!

Oh and I found this amazing fan video about 95 Reasons to ship Tiva and it's just so damn beautiful it made me crying out loud.

PS: Seems like I take this show way too seriously.
PPS: Let me love you, Anthony Dinozzo.

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